Why Install Full-Flake Epoxy Flooring in Your Warehouse?

16 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog


If your warehouse's concrete floor isn't in a great state, then you can cover the concrete with an epoxy flooring coat. This additional layer doesn't just have cosmetic benefits; it also has practical advantages, especially if you use a full-flake coating.

How does full-flake epoxy flooring work? What are its advantages? 

What Is a Full-Flake Epoxy Floor?

Some epoxy floors come in clear, plain or single colours. However, you can also add flakes to the floor as you lay it.

Here, you install your floor's base coats. You then sprinkle flakes of other materials on top of the floor while the base coats are still wet. The flakes embed on the surface. You then coat them with topcoats to create the finished surface.

If you use a partial flake, then you only cover parts of the base. The base colour shows through around the flakes. A fully-flaked floor has flakes all over the base. They cover the underlying base colour and create a patterned finish.

What Are the Advantages of Full-Flake Epoxy Floors?

While your factory floor doesn't necessarily need a showroom finish, you still want it to look professional. If your current concrete floor is worn, stained or has minor damage on it, then it won't look good. It might also be a safety hazard for your workers.

If you install full-flaked epoxy floors, then the coating covers the concrete. It hides any marks or signs of damage. The flakes in the mix ensure that you can't see any of the underlying concrete. Imperfections and stains won't show through the flaked coating.

This adds a useful layer of protection to the floor. The epoxy and its flakes will prevent further damage. This could extend the life of your concrete so that you don't have to cover expensive repair or replacement costs.

Plus, a flaked design hides future problems. It won't show marks or stains as easily as a plain surface. Even minor chips will blend into the flaked design.

Your warehouse floor will also become a safer surface to walk on if you use a flaked option. The flakes in the mix add an extra layer to the epoxy surfacing. This extra layer adds strength and resilience to the coating.

Plus, flakes give a smooth epoxy a slightly rougher texture. This will give your floor more slip resistance. It will become safer to walk on, and you'll reduce the possibility of slip accidents for your workers.

To find out more about your options, contact commercial epoxy flooring specialists.